Sunday, February 19, 2012
Food in Norway
So here is one thing I found here that I've never seen in the US. I'm going to find a reason to use these though, I think they're pretty cool!

Capella Indoor Play Area
So we found this indoor play area. It's kind of expensive at $13/hr/child, but it got us out of the house and the kids had fun. It's pretty big. Most of the time I couldn't even see the kids as they were on the second level, so I took this video while they were near me.
Snow in Norway
Here are some videos of the snow that I took with my phone this morning before we headed out to the house to play (hopefully you can make out the snow falling). And one cute pic of the girls in their getup...
Snow Play Day
Today we had some snow. So we bundled the girls up, headed to our house (still empty since we are waiting on our stuff to arrive) and played around in the backyard with snowballs and a snowman.
The jumpsuits that the girls are wearing are very typical here. MJ will need to have one at school that will stay there along with a pair of boots so that when they go outside to play (for about 2 hours regardless of the weather) they are protected from the elements and dirt (there is a sand box there). The girls were able to put them on and off mostly by themselves needing a bit of help here and there.
Mark forgot gloves, but he said it wasn't too bad. The girls didn't complain about the cold, they seemed to have an awesome time.

The jumpsuits that the girls are wearing are very typical here. MJ will need to have one at school that will stay there along with a pair of boots so that when they go outside to play (for about 2 hours regardless of the weather) they are protected from the elements and dirt (there is a sand box there). The girls were able to put them on and off mostly by themselves needing a bit of help here and there.
Mark forgot gloves, but he said it wasn't too bad. The girls didn't complain about the cold, they seemed to have an awesome time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Driving in Norway
So yesterday, day six, I almost got into my first car accident... With a huge truck. And again with a bus. Some rules here are different. Regarding the bus, if he is stopped and has picked up passengers and is ready to go, he puts on his blinker and he has the right of way. So I wasn't looking for that and almost got hit when he pulled out in front of me. Luckily I was far enough behind. The worse one involves a yield to the right rule. Unless there is a yellow diamond sign posted on the road, then I, going straight, must yield to any person at an intersection on my right. Whether its a 4 way or 3 way (T intersection) I have to yield to the guy on the right. But I have no stop sign or yield sign! And this applies in parking lots as well! You have to constantly be thinking about it. I was by the mall and wasn't thinking about it and almost got T-boned by a truck on my right. When I saw him going I realized I should be stopping. But thank God he realized I wasn't paying attention because he stopped and waved me on. I was so freaked out! I pay a bit better attention now though!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Car shopping
So we went shopping for a car today. It's a bit different here. Different doesn't mean bad, just different.
1) First dealership we went to, we walked up to a guy. He claimed he was the used car guy and he would find a new car guy for us. About 12 minutes later, we still were standing around with no help. In the US I would have been verbally attacked by 4 or 5 guys by then.
2) At the second dealership we got a bit more serious, picked a car and started talking car loans. In the US, the more years you get a loan for, the less the interest rate. Not here. The more years you take, the less the interest rate is?? huh?!
3) Same dealership, same car loan conversation. In the US, the interest rate usually doesn't have to do with how much you put down on the car. Here, the more you put down, the higher your interest rate goes?? huh?!
I'm baffled by 2 and 3. Two components, loan term and down payment, determine the rate. We can't play around with it at home. I'm going to have to sit there and play with the numbers at the dealership to figure out the best deal. I am not prepared for this.
Again, not bad, just different. This could end up working to our advantage. We'll see!
Friday, February 10, 2012
MJ has the gift
Those who know me well know that I have a useless gift about movies/tv and actors. Well it looks like MJ had it to. We are watching how I met your mother and out of the blue she says "hey that's the guy from the smurfs". Niel Patrick Harris...I'm so proud
Thursday, February 9, 2012
En Garde!
We went to McDonald's yesterday. It was 255 NOK which is $44 for 2 burger meals and 2 happy meals. It's going to take a bit to get used to that! The only reason we ate out is because we weren't going home for a few hours and all of us were starving. Figured it was the least expensive option. I haven't eaten at MickyD's in like 5 years. The up side was the happy meal toys were a lot better than in the states. They were 5 in tall Puss n Boots figures with swords. The girls liked playing with them.
MJ: "en garde"
Reese: "en garde too"
Blog Resumed...
Well here we are again. I've decided with our recent move to Norway to try and resume the Familie van der Horst blog...
Today is Mark's first day of work. Since we only have one car and I didn't fall asleep until 3 am (jet lag) we decided Mark could take the car and me and the girls would stay home. At first I thought, awesome, vacation day. But then I realized we had a lot of laundry to do. It's not a lot for home, but it's a lot here when the washer is so small each load at home is at least two here. I better get used to doing laundry everyday or something. *sigh*. oh well, such is life. We also need to go to the store today as we haven't really done that yet and I have to cook dinner tonight. already this is a huge change for me since it hasn't been that long since I quit work. laundry, dinner, grocery shopping! Having Jacki around spoiled me big time. Another thing on the list is to get a cell phone. I feel so useless without one. It took us ages to get somewhere yesterday because we didn't have my handy dandy interactive map on my iPhone.
Well overall, we are all doing well, and day 2 looks to be pretty uneventful, which is ok cause we are all tired. For future reference, feel free to comment on posts (if they are interesting enough), and hopefully this will give all our friends and loved ones a one stop shop to see what we are up to over here.
Oh yeah, one thing we need to get used to are the prices. Mark did one quick shopping trip for bread, milk, lunch meat, juice, toilet paper, and maybe one or two other items. it was $100. oh man. That cost of living increase is going to get used 100%!
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