Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I'm a big girl!

Merry Christmas!!
Here are some pictures from MJ's first Christmas. Pretty small this year considering 1) she has no idea what's going on, 2) Daddy is in Qatar, 3) No Christmas tree up this year because Mark Jan didn't get it out of the attic before he left and I can't get up there because I'm a shorty (this is mostly my fault because I didn't tell him to get it down when he asked me and I wasn't paying attention! haha).
She can hold her head up pretty well when she wants to. But in these pictures, she wasn't really in the mood and therefore looks like a little lump in my lap. Still adorable if you ask me though. All in all it was a very merry Christmas because I got just what I wanted...MJ!!
MJ with some of her presents...
MJ better like Nijntje the bunny because she has so much of this stuff already!....
Some yummy blocks that make noise that MJ will no doubt put in her mouth....
Merry Christmas MJ and mommy!....
Look at me in my Christmas outfit (which is basically a little sack she fits in...so cute!)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
December 5th and Sinter Klaas
December 5th is a holiday celebrated in Holland. It is the birthday of Saint Nicholas AKA Sinter Klaas (what our Santa Claus is based on). He is the ex bishop of Turkey who lives in Spain and has "helpers" named Zwarte Piet (Black Pete). About 2 weeks prior to December 5th, Sinter Klaas comes to Holland on a steam boat. When the official Sinter Klaas appears by boat in that years designated town, a few hours after that the other towns in Holland have their own Sinter Klaas making appearances (like we have Santa Claus in the malls). The official Sinter Klaas has been played by the same man for the last 30 years or so. The Zwarte Piets are also played by well known actors. It is then that the childeren of Holland put their shoes by the door to await presents from him (this is during the 2 weeks before December 5th). In the shoe they must leave something for the horse of Sinter Klaas, such as a carrot. In return they will receive a small gift such as candy or a small toy. Then on the evening of December 5th the children will receive more toys. Usually the mom or dad will distract the kids while the other parent or a neighbor will put the presents outside the front door and bang on the window or door to let the kids know that Sinter Klaas has been there.
For you Americans reading this story, I know it sounds bizarre but I assure you it is totally accurate and dutch people take it pretty seriously. We will be introducing Sinter Klaas and Santa Claus to MJ.
Here's hoping everyone has a lovely December 5th!
Below is a picture of a couple Sinter Klaas and Zwarte Piet chocolate statues given to MJ from her Oma and Opa.Monday, December 3, 2007
2 Months old and still going strong!
Little MJ is 2 months old today (9 weeks tomorrow). She's getting cuter and cuter every day! See for yourself...
Today we went to the doctor and got her 2 month shots. She took it better than I thought. Of course she screamed, but dad had her calmed down in a couple minutes. She is now 11 3/4 pounds (75th percentile) and 23 3/4 inches long (90th percentile). To us she's still a tiny tiny girl as you can see her here in our king size bed hanging out while mommy cleans.
Overall, MJ is loving life and she is a very good girl. She hardly cries and usually sleeps when she's supposed to. When she's not sleeping she's hanging out with mom or dad in our lap, or in the bouncer or swing entertaining herself. She loves to play with her tongue and sticks it out constantly. I hardly have pics where her tongue isn't sticking out!
She loves bath time. She is still in the mini baby bath tub on the counter top. It will be a little while before she gets into the big tub. I think Mark Jan enjoys bath time more than she does! He loves sticking her hair up all crazy and he says she looks like Einstein when he does it...
And whoever invented those towels with the little hoods gets my applause because they are just so dang cute I can hardly take it!!
Another one of the latest developments is she is now "talking" to us. The books call it cooing. I call it just plain adorable. The sound that comes out and the faces she makes while she's talking.
I guess other than that she's just having a good time hanging out with family..
With dad in the baby bjorn:
Sleeping with Oma:
Hanging with Papa:
And here is one pic I just thought was funny. Sometimes the flash freaks her out and her eyes get real big. That's what's happened in this pic. hehe
So hopefully this post has made up for the insanely long time without any entries/pics. And as a bonus here are a couple of short short videos
Here is a little clip of our own personal "bobble head" MJ.
Click below to hear our little one "talking".